The University of Texas at Dallas
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How To Use Your Test Taking Accommodations

This is for students who test outside the ARC

DO NOT watch this video if you have “Eligible to test at the ARC” on your accommodation letter for professors

This is only for those who have testing accommodations e.g. extra time & reduced distractions

Read your ARC letter, especially the info on test taking you’ll usually see 3 choices…

The three testing options #1 Test with professor

#2 Test at the UTD Testing Center (SP2 11.175) at Synergy Park

#3 Test virtually using HonorLock

Make sure the professor has your letter, and ask them which testing option they prefer

Your professors have the final say on where you test! Next, make your reservation…

To schedule your exams, 5 days before each test (2 weeks for finals) go to the ARC Services Portal.

Option #1

The professor personally arranges a room and proctor.

You can ask questions (if allowed), and you get last minute details.

Option #2

The UTD Testing Center at Synergy Park (SP2 First Floor, Suite 11.175)

Route from ARC (Administration Bldg. AD 2.224) to Testing Center (SP2 11.175): Go North from Administration Bldg. Two blocks and turn left (West) on Synergy Park Blvd. then Right (North) on Stewart Drive.

3 days before a test at Synergy Park, you must log in to to register

If you can’t find the test at send a reminder to your professor

The Testing Center can get crowded but there are some options that help!

Earplugs, privacy partitions, and preferred seating are options if you ask 72 hours in advance.

You must remember to email if you want those 72 hours pre-test.

Remember TWO forms are required for the Testing Center: and

If you have a digital test, always make sure your extra time is applied before starting!

Option #3

Take the test at home using HonorLock

Professors don’t always like this option, you can ask but they might not allow it.

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