Accommodations for Temporary Disabilities
Temporary disabilities are those that temporarily impair or influence a student’s ability to fully participate in academic activities.
Temporary disabilities include, but are not limited to:
- broken limbs
- burns
- post‐surgery recovery
Students with a temporary disability or injury are not considered disabled by the law. The University is not obligated to provide services to students with temporary, nonchronic impairments that last less than six months and are not covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act (1990).
However, some support services may be provided to eligible students with temporary conditions. Services are provided only for the duration of the functional limitations associated with the temporary disability. The Dean of Students Office ultimately makes the eligibility determination and assists students with temporary conditions, not the AccessAbility Resource Center.
Students with temporary disabilities who are requesting accommodations of any kind must complete this form. Supporting documentation must be submitted along with the request form.
The documentation should indicate the type of disability, severity, limitations, prognosis and estimated duration of the disabling condition. It is also helpful to know any adverse side effects caused by medication and recommendations for accommodations. The documentation should be recent and identify current limitations. Additional documentation may be requested to verify the need for continued services after the estimated duration of the condition has expired.
You can request accessible cart transportation service on the Auxiliary Services website.