Register and Request Services
We are happy to help students register and request services from the AccessAbility Resource Center (ARC). Employees must still work with Human Resources to request their accommodations.
Step 1
If you had accommodations in high school, we strongly recommend reading this document before proceeding so you can be informed of the differences between high school and college accommodations.
After being admitted to The University of Texas at Dallas, please complete the Request for Services form using your UTD NetID. This form should be completed as early in the semester as possible and is the required form to initiate all service/accommodation requests, including disability accommodations in campus housing.
Step 2
Have your treating professional complete the documentation form(s) that apply to you from the list below and return them to you so you can upload them securely using our online platform for an expedited experience. All other documentation received without our form must be reviewed by our eligibility committee that meets once a week.
The deadline to submit documentation for the weekly eligibility review is 5 p.m. on Fridays. If you miss the deadline, your request will be delayed one week.
We only accept completed forms via our online platform; please do not ask your treating professional to send us the forms directly. Forms submitted in any way besides the secure online platform will be disregarded.
Please note that your request cannot be reviewed until documentation is received. In most cases, documentation should be no more than five years old. You will be informed if additional information is needed to determine eligibility for services in the next step.
Disability Documentation Forms
Note: you must personally return the applicable form(s) below by using the link you will receive by email after completing step #1 above (preferably) or uploading. DO NOT ask your doctor or other third party to send your documentation to us, we can only accept it from the student by upload. DO NOT email the forms to us.
- ADD/ADHD (pdf)
- Asperger’s, Autism, PDD (pdf)
- Medical, Physical, Health Conditions (pdf): Please also attach eye exam or audiogram for vision or hearing loss.
- Psychiatric, Psychological (pdf): For example, depression, anxiety, bipolar, etc.
- Learning Disabilities: Students must upload a full copy of their diagnostic report or psychological evaluation that includes the narrative, test scores and diagnosis.
- Verification of a Physical or Medical Disability (pdf): Dining Services only
- All other disabilities (pdf)
If you need to determine if your current documentation meets our requirements, or what other options may exist you may use this online tool (Note: This is a test version of the tool. Please let us know if you have any issues.)
Step 3
Complete the online appointment request form to arrange an intake meeting with our staff. All appointments are conducted virtually using Microsoft Teams.
Step 4
Each semester, you can request letters of accommodation for your professors by submitting the Accommodation Letter Request Form. If you are approved for testing accommodations, be sure to make your testing reservations.
The accommodation letter will list only your recommended accommodations (not details of your disability).
Step 5
Schedule a meeting with each of your professors to discuss the recommended accommodations in each class. For your own privacy and security, do not give professors your accommodation letters in the classroom; see them during office hours or by appointment.