Testing Accommodations
Extended test time is a crucial accommodation for over 70% of students registered with the Accessibility Resource Center (ARC). The ARC supports faculty by offering a test location (AD 2.224) and proctoring services for registered students who require assistive technology, readers/scribes, or have environmental sensitivities. Students eligible to test at the ARC are identified in their accommodation letter with the note: “Eligible to test at the ARC.” Faculty are not required to accommodate these students’ exams unless they receive specific instructions from the ARC for each test.
Most students with extended time, however, are not eligible to test at the ARC and will instead take their exams at the UTD Testing Center at Synergy Park. Faculty are responsible for making these arrangements. The Testing Center provides proctors, a distraction-reduced environment, and times to effectively accommodate. As the Testing Center operates independently from the ARC, faculty must proactively schedule exams in the Testing Center’s registration system (RegisterBlast) and apply extended time accommodations for all exams as early in the semester as possible. The full details for scheduling accommodated exams at the Testing Center are available in our faculty guide.
If faculty prefer not to use the Testing Center, they may provide a distraction-reduced testing location themselves (e.g., their office or a conference room) or allow online testing with Honorlock. While students may express preferences for a testing location, faculty have the final say on where accommodated exams take place for students not eligible to test at the ARC. This is because all three testing options (UTD Testing Center, professor-provided location, and online exams) effectively provide a distraction-reduced environment for students with extended time. Visit the ARC Testing Accommodations FAQs page for tips on creating a distraction-reduced environment.
A Note about Testing Times for Faculty and Students
We ask faculty to please allow some flexibility with the start time of tests, especially if you plan on scheduling the test on campus at the UTD Testing Center (SP2 11.175). The facility is only available during specific hours, and students often have back-to-back classes. Students should never miss class to receive their extended test time accommodation.
We ask faculty to assist us and our students by allowing them to start the test earlier or later when necessary, even the day before or the day after the test is scheduled on the syllabus.
If you change the start time, please keep in mind the student will have extended time (most likely 1.5x or 2x standard time). Please only enter times that would allow the test to begin and end during posted business hours if using the UTD Testing Center (SP2 11.175).
First Steps for Students
Since fall 2021, faculty coordinate arrangements for most test takers who need accommodations in classes. However, it is essential for students to have an active role in the process to ensure professors coordinate the appropriate accommodation by taking proactive steps at the beginning of the semester:
- Request an accommodation letter each semester for all the classes in which you need testing accommodations.
- Skip this step if you do have “Eligible to test at the ARC” on your letter of accommodation. If you do not have “Eligible to test at the ARC” on your letter of accommodation, ask your professor where they want to proctor your test from these options:
- Testing room and proctor provided by professor.
- Testing at the UTD Testing Center (SP2 11.175).
- Online testing.
- Complete a reservation form at utd.link/arctest 5 days in advance (2 weeks for finals) for each test, exam or quiz you want to take with your testing accommodations.
Tips for Students
If you have the accommodation of “distraction-reduced testing,” this can be arranged in the UTD Testing Center (SP2 11.175) if requested in advance.
When you reserve your seat, you can note that you will need one or all of the following distraction-reduced aids:
- Ear plugs available at UTD Testing Center or at the ARC, free of charge.
- A privacy partition — a foldout screen that is excellent at blocking out visual distractions and reduces some noise.
- If you need off peak-time testing, please email UTD Testing Center a week or so before the test to ask when the least busy days/times are before requesting the reservation.
Do not hesitate to contact the UTD Testing Center or email the ARC if you have any problems securing these distraction reducing aids.
How do Faculty and the Testing Center provide a distraction reduced environment?
The Testing Center provides a distraction-reduced environment by offering preferential seating, privacy screens (if requested by students in advance), and earplugs. Many students forget these options are available. If they have concerns about the Testing Center environment, encourage them to try these options or refer them back to the ARC. The Testing Center does provide an effective, distraction-reduced environment for the majority of students needing this accommodation.
A distraction-reduced testing room outside the Testing Center, arranged by faculty, should be designed to minimize environmental and external stimuli that can interfere with a student’s ability to concentrate during an exam. Key features of such a room include:
- Quiet Environment: The room should be free from noise, such as conversations, traffic, or other disruptions. Soundproofing or the use of white noise machines can help achieve this.
- Controlled Lighting: Lighting should be sufficient but not harsh. Natural light is preferred, but if artificial lighting is used, it should be adjustable to avoid glare or flickering.
- Minimal Visual Distractions: The room should have plain walls with minimal decorations or visual clutter. This helps prevent distractions from posters, windows, or other visual elements.
- Comfortable Furniture: Ergonomic chairs and desks that are comfortable for long periods can help students stay focused. The furniture should also be arranged to allow ample personal space.
- Temperature Control: The room should be kept at a comfortable temperature to prevent discomfort that could distract students.
- Limited Access: Only students taking the exam and authorized personnel should be present to reduce interruptions. However, on a busy campus some interruptions may be unavoidable. It is necessary for students to understand interruptions may still occur.
- Organized and Clean Space: A tidy and organized room helps create a calm environment, reducing anxiety and distractions related to clutter.
- Access to Necessary Resources: Ensure that any assistive technologies or accommodations (e.g., readers, scribes, or computers) required by students are available and functioning properly.
- Proper Supervision: A proctor should be present to monitor the exam and address any issues without causing disruptions.
- Clear Rules and Procedures: Establish and communicate clear rules and procedures to minimize disruptions, such as guidelines for entering and exiting the room, handling questions, and dealing with emergencies.
ARC Testing Center Rules and Procedures
The ARC maintains a small capacity to proctor exams in our office (AD 2.224), but these spaces are reserved for students with the most-significant accommodation needs.
- To test at the ARC in the Administration Building, first make sure “Eligible to test at the ARC” is listed on your official letter of accommodation.
- If it is, make a reservation five days before your test.
- This procedure only applies to students who have “Eligible to test at the ARC” on their official letter of accommodation. Please use the above steps for testing with your professor, at the UTD Testing Center (SP2 11.175), or online if this is not listed on your official letter of accommodation.
- Testing reservations must be submitted as early in the academic semester as possible for students currently registered with the ARC and five days before the test date. Failure to schedule exams in a timely fashion may result in a delay.
- All testing reservations must begin and end during ARC testing hours (8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., Fridays). Test takers must start exams earlier in the day or on another day if their exam time could exceed our business hours. Faculty will need to provide test locations, allow online tests, or use the UTD Testing Center if they require eligible students to test outside the ARC operating hours.
- Exams must be scheduled with ARC at least five days prior to the test date. Any exam not scheduled in advance may result in the need to reschedule with your instructor.
- Final exams should be scheduled two weeks in advance.
- Exams should be scheduled at the same time the class is scheduled to take the exam. Any variation in time will require your professor’s approval.
- On the day of the exam, please come prepared and ready to begin at the scheduled time. If you arrive late, your time will not be adjusted. If you arrive more than 15 minutes after the scheduled time, you must go to the classroom to take the exam or request permission (which is not guaranteed) from your professor to reschedule with the ARC five days later.
- If you miss your scheduled test time for any reason, you may reschedule, but you must provide at least five days’ notice of the new date and time.
- If you do not show for the exam, the exam will be returned to the instructor.
- You may not adjust the time or date of a testing reservation except in an emergency or if the professor changes the date/time of the exam for the entire class. The instructor must give either verbal or written confirmation of a change in date or time to an ARC staff member.
- You are responsible for notifying ARC if test dates are changed or canceled by your professor. You also must notify ARC if you withdraw from a course.
- If you miss two scheduled testing reservations without notifying ARC, you must meet with the assistant director before you will be allowed to schedule any further exams.
- No bathroom breaks are permitted unless you have been testing for more than three hours or it is part of a previously approved accommodation.
- No hats, hoods or sunglasses may be worn in the testing rooms.
- Besides a pencil/answer sheet, only testing materials confirmed by the professor will be allowed. Scratch paper will be provided by ARC.
Faculty, please note the ARC must have the student’s exam at least 48 hours before the reservation, by uploading to the secure link we will send for each test. Our office may need to convert your test to Braille or other formats. It is vital that we have time to do this if the student is scheduled in the ARC testing center.